Evans Petroleum x Gippsland League

Evans Petroleum will continue to be a major partner of the Gippsland League for the next two seasons. After a successful return to competition for the Gippsland League in 2022, Evans Petroleum will continue to be one of the League’s major partners moving forward. Their support has allowed the League to continue to produce representative programs in the junior grades and also provided significant support for the member clubs by allowing the League to continue to provide on field volunteer uniforms at no cost to the clubs. This includes new runners uniforms, football trainers uniforms, water carrier uniforms and shirts for on field volunteer umpires.

“It is a great show of support and faith in the ongoing growth of the League that Evans Petroleum have renewed their agreement for the next two seasons. We are fortunate to be able to have their support which continues to allow the League to deliver added benefits to our member clubs” said Gippsland League General Manager Daniel Heathcote

For more information on Evans Petroleum visit their website at https://evanspetroleum.com.au/