SEASON 2024 - Player Rating System
Top 20 Rankings
In season 2024 the Alinta Energy Gippsland League has introduced our own player ranking points system. Utilising well known formulas like Herald Sun Supercoach each match has a total of 3000 points available for the players who gain or are penalised points by each statistical category that our League statistics provide. Efficiency is key in disposals as is key areas like goals, contested marks and tackles attract a high value.
Round 18 Update
Player | Club | Games | Ranking Points - Average | Ranking Points - Highest Match | Disposals - Average |
2. Shannen Lange | Sale | 18 | 176 | 234 | 35 |
22. Jack Leslie | Sale | 18 | 155 | 210 | 20 |
3. Hudson Holmes | Sale | 17 | 151 | 227 | 32 |
11. Mitchell Smart | Warragul | 18 | 149 | 228 | 16 |
2. Ryan Sparkes | Wonthaggi | 5 | 144 | 168 | 30 |
1. Alex Carr | Maffra | 18 | 139 | 193 | 31 |
30. Tye Hourigan | Traralgon | 13 | 138 | 183 | 23 |
14. Noah Gown | Leongatha | 1 | 137 | 137 | 19 |
21. Mitchell Cotter | Drouin | 15 | 136 | 186 | 29 |
23. Cade Maskell | Leongatha | 9 | 135 | 231 | 31 |
3. Will Mitchell | Bairnsdale | 18 | 135 | 196 | 33 |
8. Thomas Marriott | Leongatha | 15 | 134 | 236 | 27 |
25. Tom Hobbs | Warragul | 10 | 133 | 183 | 25 |
34. Cameron Olden | Leongatha | 3 | 131 | 158 | 26 |
16. Scott van Dyk | Moe | 17 | 131 | 225 | 29 |
9. Jack Lewsey | Warragul | 18 | 130 | 190 | 36 |
43. Marlon Neocleous | Traralgon | 1 | 130 | 130 | 19 |
7. Boyd Bailey | Morwell | 16 | 129 | 175 | 29 |
20. Ben Daniher | Moe | 16 | 128 | 177 | 30 |
20. Kye Quirk | Drouin | 18 | 127 | 193 | 30 |
62. Max Donohue | Leongatha | 1 | 125 | 125 | 22 |
22. Ethan East | Bairnsdale | 18 | 123 | 167 | 19 |
24. Jack Johnstone | Sale | 14 | 119 | 172 | 22 |